SAVE Promise Clubs

Registration for this virtual event is no longer available.

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Registration for this virtual event is no longer available.

SAVE Promise Clubs
Virtual Event

Hosted by


Your Information

E.g. School Safety Coordinator, Assistant Principal, etc.

This is the email address you will use to log into the event on Zoom.

This is the email address you will use to log into the event on Zoom.

Your District / School System

Your School

Begin typing to search

Begin typing to search

Begin typing to search

Complete and formal name-- no acronyms, please!

Complete and formal name-- no acronyms, please!

Tips for Locating your District or School:

  • Search by the most unique word in your district's or school's name.
    Example: for John Bickett Early College High School, search “Bickett”
  • Search by the city where your district or school is located.

  • Be conscious of abbreviations.
    Example: “Saint” vs. “St” or “Mount” vs. “Mt”
  • Wait for the search to load fully (for the wheel to stop spinning) before you give up or try another search term.